run by a fox, for people
Here's a collection of cool links to other people's stuff, or tools, or anything else that's not mine.
Cool Blogs and Sites
This is a haphasardly strewn about pile of links to other cool critters and folks you may be interested in!
- Volpeon is the creator of blobcat, blobfox, and such other cute sticker packs you may have seen around the fediverse
- Astrid is a cool fedi friend, she shares her very cool photographs and interests over on her website
For those available as buttons:
Yours can be added by poking me on fedi or elsewhere, or sending me an email!
Useful Tools
- An alternative frontend to Twitter (the dying micro-blogging platform I will never call X), which you can also self-host!
- A router service and interface you can use to plan trips and export them into GPX or GeoJSON. It's mostly designed for bikes, but you also have profiles for cars. You can adapt the metrics used to compute route information to your own gear as well.